FREE WEBINAR: Reduce the Cost of Taxation, Potentially Improve Investment Performance, & Grow Your Wealth
A Wealth Acceleration Webinar Exclusively for BetterLife REI Summit Attendees & Investors
Learn everything you need to keep more of your hard-earned money!Listen, as a Wealth Architect and CPA, Charlie Dombek shares insights and insider secrets concerning how you can benefit from the New Tax Plan!
To take advantage of the tax laws in the Internal Revenue Code, you must plan now and move your pieces on the tax chessboard in a way that benefits you rather than the Government.

Are you concerned about how the New Tax Plan affects you?
What happens when the IRS finishes hiring 90,000 new employees?Well, you should be – the current administration is trying to make the most sweeping tax changes in over 30 years.
The great news, however, is the Code is embedded with savings for Investors, Business Owners, and Entrepreneurs. At least those that are proactive and take the time to plan.
Unfortunately for those of you who don’t, there will be missed opportunities and potentially some hidden pitfalls that may cost you tens of thousands of dollars.
Millions of Americans will be audited, and what you do today matters for a minimum of 3 years and up to 7. I will show you how to fly under the radar of the IRS and protect you from a gun-carrying IRS agent.
So let me ask you. Do you want to learn how to keep more of your hard-earned money under the new plan…before it’s possibly too late?
If your answer is YES, you’re invited to a special Wealth Acceleration Webinar. Responsibly diversify and reallocate market-based investments into passive real estate and alternative classes, that could potentially improve performance and shelter income and gains from taxation.

You Will Not Accelerate Your Wealth Rapidly...
This Webinar Will Help YOU!
Why? Most people do not have a purposeful investment strategy that allows them to accelerate the rate of return in tax-efficient investments. 80% of your ability to grow your wealth rapidly is dependent on how much you pay in taxes and how well your investments perform.
Are you happy with the savings your CPA generates for you and how well your investments are performing in this economic environment? Here are some issues to consider:
- You work with a stereotypical CPA, a historian, who tells you how much you owe in taxes
- Then often times, you write some pretty large checks when you least expect it
- Your market-based investments have lost 20 percent or more due to rising interest rates and prolonged inflation
- You do not have access to trusted, tax efficient alternative investments that potentially outperform the rate of returns that stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs provide
Charlie Dombek, CPA
Most CPAs are historians that tell their clients how much they make, how much they owe, when and where to file their taxes, and oftentimes how to write large checks at the last minute when you least expect. We help clients recover dollars they unnecessarily pay in State and Federal income taxes. Many Americans have all their capital in market-based investments and, at best, grow their wealth at a 6 to 8 percent annualized rate over a career of work. And then suffer major losses in down markets. We help clients create the X-Factor in their financial life by responsibly diversifying capital into off-market investment passive real estate and alternative classes, which offer the potential for both improved performance and a tax strategy that oftentimes keeps the income and gains off the 1040.
To take advantage of the tax laws, you must plan now and move your pieces on the tax chessboard in a way that benefits you rather than the Government.
Get the specific advice you need now to create a lifetime annuity of savings from impending and proposed tax law changes.
Again, If you are concerned about what’s happening, I have you covered and will stop the government tax train dead in its tracks!

During this Webinar
I'm going to tell you everything you need to know to:
How? This year, the coming tax law changes represent the most significant change to the Internal Revenue Code that we have seen in years! Certain asset classes offer a hedge against inflation, allow investors to protect market gains realized over the last decade, and perform in a counter-correlated manner during a significant market correction.
Controlling the cost of taxation is about paying tax on the cash flow we need to fund our lifestyle and moving all additional income into an environment where we are either deferring or eliminating taxation. It’s not rocket science, but it is a systematic process that requires planning
Understanding which investments in specific asset classes outperform the market preserves capital and potentially improves investment performance
Diversify your capital into off-market investment opportunities that most financial advisors do not have access to or will not recommend because they cannot get compensated for these capital placements
Certain investments have embedded tax strategies that offset your earnings and distributions which can be instrumental in keeping income off the 1040 during years where you have high active income from the job you occupy, the profession you practice or the business you own
The IRS will be scouring investors’ and business owners’ tax returns for additional revenue – learn how to fly under the radar of the IRS and how you can reduce your chances of an audit
Get the specific advice you need now to create a lifetime annuity of savings from impending and proposed tax law changes, including a sample tax strategy that you can use immediately!
Focus On the 80% That Matters to You
Our Wealth X-ray focuses on the 80% that matters and creates a Lifetime annuity of savings- First, solely focus on the recovered dollars you unnecessarily pay in the form of State and Federal income taxes
- Second, help you potentially improve the way your investments perform with diversification
- Allocate your capital out of the financial markets into tax-efficient investments
- Schedule meetings to review your personalized plan and evaluate the performance throughout the year

What Our Clients Are Saying
Axium Wealth
We are a Wealth Acceleration and Tax Mitigation Company that offers personalized financial strategies to help our clients build wealth and minimize taxes. We know that 80 percent of the ability to grow your wealth rapidly is dependent upon how much you pay in income taxes and how well your investments perform. We have a consistent track record of recovering dollars our clients unnecessarily pay in the form of state and federal income taxes. Our team helps clients responsibly reallocate capital out of market-based investments into passive real estate and alternative investments. Our clients typically save 30 percent or more on their taxes, are potentially able to increase multi-year rates of returns by a factor of three or more, and can reach their financial freedom goals years, if not decades, before normal retirement age.
Learn more about our services and how we can assist you in becoming the Architect of Your Financial Future.